On This Site
I use cronjobs to retrieve information and save it to a JSON file. What prompted me to use cron is YouTube Data API's quota limit (10,000 tokens a day - since a search call uses 100 tokens, after 100 visits the API wouldn't return a search result anymore), and I schedule tasks that only need to be updated every so often.
Currently scheduled cronjobs:
- Generating a random Song of the Day, Graphic of the Day, and Friend of the Site, scheduled around midnight
- Retrieving my Top Artists, every 5 days before midnight
CSS is the language I've used the longest and the language I am most confident in. My journey started with modifying stylesheets on websites like wikia (now fandom.com), which usually require making use of CSS hacks.
I regularly make use of pseudo-elements and selectors, CSS variables (var(--variable-name-here)), calculations and media queries... chances are if it exists in CSS, I've used it before.
Here's a little titbit: I use the drop-shadow filter sometimes, but when I learned multiple drop shadows grow exponentially, causing some browsers to crash, I cut back on using them.
This one's a doozy. Yes, I made my .htaccess work for my site, but it took a lot of experimenting and faulty redirections before I did.
Using .htaccess and some regex magic, I:
- Redirect any requests for this website to their HTTPS and www versions,
- Remove the .php extension on pages,
- Remove trailing slashes accordingly: together with a canonical metatag on every page, I make sure every page has only 1 URL for SEO purposes,
- Internally redirect pages with query tags, as seen on artwork and any pages that make use of my "blog-post" format (Geoventures, code snippets),
- Redirect requests for favicon.ico, usually assumed to be in the root folder by search engine crawlers, to the right location,
- Redirect to a general error page that displays whatever error the site ran into: This page doesn't exist, for example,
- Do cache control on my static resources (however Cloudflare does the heavy lifting).
During testing I may have used the permanent redirect flag R=301 sometimes, but I learned not to do that unless absolutely sure.
Not much to be said here. I don't know where else to put the following, so here goes: I use Google's "hidden" Shared Stuff API, as detailed in this article on DEV Community, to get favicons for outgoing links without having to save them to my webhost.
Libraries and Tools
Libraries, APIs
- 7.css (GitHub), for styling the progress bars on this page
- 98.css (GitHub), for styling the scrollbar and artwork lightbox
highlight.js, syntax highlighter for my code snippets
- The highlight.js theme used is a modified version of Tokyo Night
- Last.fm API, as seen on the music lair
- YouTube Data API, as seen on the music lair
- Cloudflare, for cache control and improved loading times
- TransIP, the webhost I use
URL & SEO control
- Google Search Console, shows which pages from your website have been found and indexed by google, and if it fails, the reason why. Also proved useful when writing the .htaccess file, even though it does take a few days for Google to index a page and for re-indexation requests to go through.
- Htaccess Tester: I couldn't have written the .htaccess file without this tool! You do need to know how the basics of .htaccess to use it.
- XML-Sitemaps.com, the site I use to generate my website's sitemap
- PageSpeed Insights, a site that details which elements of a page take up the most loading time. I use this site in combination with the Network panel in DevTools to optimize my site.
- picresize, my preferred tool to make thumbnails for my artwork
- regex101, online regex testing tool
Visual Studio Code, my code editor of choice - I
like it's simplicity and catalogue of extensions, like:
- Five Server (GitHub), which, together with XAMPP, allows me to test my website locally before putting it online